Base jumping tips

Staff August 5, 2015 0
Base jumping tips

A base such as a building, top of a vehicle or earth is an object used in the extreme sport of base jumping. This game can be confused with sky diving which occurs at higher altitudes while base jumping occurs at altitudes of less than two thousand feet.

Some people have expressed that jumping from an airplane is actually safer than from a lower platform as a parachute only has a small distance to open and if it doesn’t, then the jumper can incur some serious injuries. The jump is usually so short that there is no time for a reserve parachute to be employed if the original does not open. There are several tips to ensuring safe base jumping.

  1. It is important for the jumper to use the right parachute. It may sound obvious but many people rash to the gear store and buy the wrong chute. Due to the low altitude, a special type of parachute should be used that opens up quickly. This is because a skydiving chute is designed to open at a high air speed while base jumping deploys one at a low air speed.
  2. Jumping off from a secure and open place is recommended otherwise the parachute may get tangled if a group of trees snags it or if there are lots of rocks. Jumping from an unsuitable location can also cause serious injuries or even death.
  3. Learning how to fall should be every jumper’s skill as tumbling in the air can make it impossible for the chute to open or even strangle the jumper as they come down. This feat is not easy and requires practice and research on lower attitudes to prepare for the actual base jumping.

Note that base jumping is not for everyone and one should be careful while practicing it as it has can lead to bad injuries or even death.

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